*U.S. Active Military/Government Employees, you must register with your mil, gov or fed.us e-mail address.
**International Military/ DOD civilian Allies & Partners may use any of the following emails: gov, mil, fed.us, gov.au, adfa.edu.au, eb.mil.br, forces.gc.ca, ecn.forces.gc.ca, mil.cl, ejercito.cl, emco.mil.cl, buzonejercito.mil.co, cgfm.mil.co, bmvg.bund.de, civ@ndu.edu, mil@ndu.edu, af.edu, nps.edu, usnwc.edu, moeue-peru.eu, intradef.gouv.fr, nic.in, gmail.com, nsb.gov.tw, nato.int, go.jp, dtaq.re.kr, mnd.go.kr, mil.kr, korea.kr, mod.gov.my, nzdf.mil.nz, escuelamilitar.edu.pe, ejercito.mil.pe, mindef.gov.sg, defence.gov.sg, mail.mil.tw, mod.gov.uk, fcdo.gov.uk, kcl.ac.uk, bundeswehr.org or bmvg.bund.de.
International paying attendees, please contact Cindy Carroll.